Thursday, October 17, 2013

Voting Rights for the Poor

Just this past evening I was watching videos on my YouTube subscription feed when I saw this video: about this story:


Watch the video; the other links are just there to provide news-type sources for those interested.

One of the top comments on the video was:
“looter culture.
just wait until the parasites can't use those cards at all...or their welfare checks don't come....of the cable and electricity doesn't work....
just wait and see how "civilized" American "civilization" has become. the only thing preventing complete animal barbarism in the US is a thin layer of FREE MONEY” 

By Knowthingman.

I am beginning to believe that the poor should not vote. I know, that’s elitist and hateful of me and I’m just being racist and so on, but let me explain myself.

Something I’ve realized is that you can never understand being poor until you have experienced two things. You need to have actually been poor, and I mean poor as in deciding which bills you’ll pay this month. And you also need to have advanced out of being poor. The reason for that in envy, which Bill Whittle explains superbly in this video:
You need to actually be poor to know what it’s like, and you need to not be poor to understand it better.

Not having to work or pay taxes, getting your necessities for free and with money left over for things you want but don’t need leaves you envious, ungrateful, selfish and greedy. The nature of envy and the actions of these people when they are not limited makes a powerful argument to me that they will use their votes to abuse the power of the state.

Under the current system, if you do not pay income tax or did not before you retired I do not believe you should be allowed to vote. If you want a vote you should get a job; you need to provide support for yourself and have a stake in the outcome of the country before you get a say in it.

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